我們能夠確保提供滿足全球高科技行業客戶對產品質量需求的高質量產品和服務。DK-Lok 產品用於開發水力、蒸汽、複雜循環動力以及燃氣輪機和海洋淡水動力。自從我們獲得了ASME N、NPT和NS印章的認証,我們就以卓越的產品質量獲得了核能發電行業的認可。DK-Lok products are used in the development of hydro, steam, complex cycle powers, and gas turbine and ocean fresh water powers. Since we have acquired the certifications of ASME N, NPT, and NS stamp, we have been acknowledged in the nuclear power generation industry for the superior quality of our products.